Omnitron Noah YoYo - C3yoyodesign
Omnitron Noah Bi-Metal YoYo, by C3yoyodesign
Peter Pong’s Latest Signature Model – Omnitron Noah
From C3, about the Omnitron Noah:
"An all new 6061 aluminum with Titanium rims yoyo, guaranteed to provide the best experience. Inheriting the original Omnitron’s rounded design, with a newly incorporated H-Shape design to suit more modern play, comes a new yo-yo with an impeccable feel on the hands.
With the uncommon Titanium rim design taking the weight distribution to the extreme, each aspect of the yo-yo is designed to maximize the power, acceleration, and spin time of the yo-yo itself. With an incredibly thin 6061 aluminum body to complement the Titanium rim, this further maximizes the weight distribution, leading to the high levels of control over the yo-yo, as well as allowing for the sudden changes in movement to be incorporated seamlessly into your tricks.
Due to the high precise machining of the Titanium rim, with costs nearing to (or exceeding) those of full Titanium yo-yos, alongside the thin walls of the 6061 aluminum body, this has led to one of C3yoyodesign’s most difficult and most ambitious projects to date. However, C3yoyodesign’s firm commitment to producing high-quality competitive yo-yos has also given us the determination to produce this yo-yo, despite the difficulties mentioned. This new style has also helped give C3yoyodesign a new direction in the production of future yo-yos."