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YoYoFactory Supernova, Dark Blue w/ Black Acid Wash (2013 Edition)
YoYoFactory SuperStar with Hubstacks YoYo
Superstar yoyo by YoYoFactory, Blue
YoYoFactory Tactic YoYo
YoYoFactory Yuuksta YoYo
YoYofficer Delusion YoYo, Red
YoYofficer Rave YoYo
YoYofficer Shift Bi-metal YoYo, Black / Green splash
YoYofficer Urban YoYo, Gold / Blue Splash
YoYofficer Vector YoYo Grey / Blue Splash
YoYofficer Yacare yoyo - Purple Blue Splash
YoYofficer Zealot YoYo

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