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Markmont Project 2 YoYo

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Project 2 YoYo, by Markmont 


From Markmont:  

"Introducing the Markmont. Project 2. The 2nd of 3 throws in the Flat Rim Series. This one….THIS oonneee has been a seriously long time coming. When I first approached trying to make a “2” version of the Markmont. Project, I couldn’t think of the right amount of changes/improvements, as I was already fully content with the performance at the time. So with a few nuancial improvements, the Markmont. “Next” was birthed.

Years later, with the state of both yo-yo play and yo-yo technology advancing, One Drop and I re-approached what a Markmont. Project 2 could be. Having previously exhausted a plethora of prototype rounds on the Markmont. Classic, we had some clear specs and play features to bring into the fold.

Design wise, it was very important to me that we nail a balance of both playfulness and stability. MP has a certain unique hefty “thud” like feeling when it hits a sleeper. At bigger yoyo scale however, this would not be “fun” lol. So for the MP2 we scaled up all dimensions from the original MP, introduced a catch zone “lip” for less string gap rub to improve sleep time, and re-distributed the mid-weight to enable more play speed variation. To the delight of my fingers (and hopefully yours), the result certainly classifies as a true modernized MP; a true “2”



  • Weight: 64.65  grams
  • Diameter: 56.85 mm
  • Width: 45 mm
  • Gap width: 4.32 mm
  • Finish: Pyramatte (tm)
  • Axle System: Side Effects ™ (Modified Flat Caps installed)
  • Response: One Drop Flow Groove
  • Bearing: Large (Size C) .250 x .500 x .187" (OneDrop 10 Ball)
  • Return type: Unresponsive / Bind required

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