YoYoLoco Terms of Service

We want you to be happy with any item you purchase from YoYoLoco. If you are not satisfied with your purchase please contact us via email or call the store at 970.409.3101 to discuss the situation prior to beginning the process of issuing a Return Material Authorization (RMA). You have up to 14 calendar days from the time you receive your item(s) to initiate a return.

Please inspect all products for manufacturing defects and flaws when they first arrive and prior to use. Customer is responsible for proper product maintenance and replacement of wearable parts (such as yoyo strings, bearings, pads, etc). If you take something apart, it is assumed you will correctly reassemble the items, and know about the evils of cross-threading should you attempt to screw parts together when the screw threads are not properly aligned.

Please contact us if this purchase was not what you expected. We are here to help, and can offer suggestions and often work something out that is an acceptable solution. This can even be if you simply made an incorrect choice - help us determine the true nature of the issue. When both parties act responsibly a solution usually soon follows.

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