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Graviton:Y yo-yo - yoyofriends

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Graviton: Y yo-yo, by yoyofriends 

The Graviton:Y yo-yo from yoyofriends is a high-performance monometal followup to the superb Graviton bi-metal yoyo (also designed by Tony Sung. Made of 7068 alloy, the Graviton:Y offers an affordable option for those seeking a professional-grade yo-yo at a budget friendly price. This yoyo is a great choice for serious players.


  • Weight: 65.15  grams
  • Diameter: 55.35 mm
  • Width: 47 mm
  • Gap width: 4.52 mm
  • Material: 7068 aluminum
  • Bearing: Concave (Large, Size C) .250 x .500 x .187"
  • Axel: M4 10mm
  • Response: 19mm pads (Slim)
  • Return type: Unresponsive / Bind required

Description of the Graviton:Y yoyo design & process, as told by Tony Sung: 

" I usually spend my spare time on Fusion 360, designing some random ideas that popped up on top of my head. I have also designed variations of Graviton, including the mono-metal Graviton, even way before FPM and I talked about making the mono-metal Graviton. So I tweaked my mono-metal design a little more before we made the first prototype.

This time as well, I calculated their Moment Of Inertia, or the amount of power the yoyo can handle. I used all 3 prototypes of Graviton as the reference.

During the summer break, I let many people try all prototypes and production versions of Graviton, I noticed some of them liked the very first prototype (orange yoyo) so much that it got much more power than the other versions. So I decided to make the mono Graviton to have more power than the original one.

The first prototype played perfectly. It has exactly the same specs as the original Graviton so it feels very comfortable on my hand. It’s only 0.2 grams heavier than the original graviton, and it got even more power as I re-designed the profile to stretch out towards the rim.

Another 5a player on our team, Haneul tried the first proto as well and he said it’s the best mono metal for 5a that ever exists.

However, Haneul, Philip, and I all agreed that this doesn’t look like the Graviton, or play like the original Graviton. We had to be concerned about people’s confusion about how different it is from the original Graviton.

So I began to work on the second prototype with the following changes: making the overall profile look more like the original Graviton, since this reduces the moment of inertia on the rim area, or the power that the rim can handle, I decided to increase the overall weight up to 65.2 grams. Finally, I reduced some complex designs in the cup and smoothened out the profile for a cooler and simpler look.

And this version of mono Graviton is just amazing. It has the unique profile of the original Graviton. It has the smooth feeling that the original Graviton has, and it’s extra flowy. I especially like the way it plays when I do horizontals, It’s like yoyo flies as I command.

What would be the greatest name for this yoyo?

I wanted my yoyo to have a catchier name, not just “the Mono Graviton”. I initially thought of naming it “Counter Graviton”, which indicates this is a suitable yoyo for the counterweight style, and the counter side, another form of the Graviton series. But later, I decided to get rid of “Counter” from its name because this yoyo is not just for the 5a yoyoing.

At the Toronto yoyo meetings, my friends used to call me “Gravi Tony”, whenever I was playing around with my Graviton. This was just a fun joke, but later I got the idea of calling it “Graviton: Y” from this pun. Y is the second variable from X, Y, and Z from math equations, therefore putting Y in its name also implies it is the second model of Graviton series.

During the dinner, I told my friends from the YoyoToronto club that I would like to name my mono-metal signature, the “Graviton: Y”, and they found it was a brilliant idea as well, which made me feel even more satisfied."

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