Dove YoYo - yoyofriends
Dove YoYo, by yoyofriends
From yoyofriends:
"Delrin gives a unique soft plastic feel while still being able to come close to the weight distribution achieved with aluminum. The Dove has a nice curved H-shape profile with chunky rims that round down into the aluminum fingerspin hub. They kept the weight relatively low and evenly distributed for a pleasantly nimble feel in play that you just can't get with aluminum. It moves fast and smooth in play and responds to your slightest command with ease!
Named Dove for the crisp white Delrin prototype and the pleasant, peaceful feeling you get from each throw!"
***For Intermediate/Advanced players, this is a unresponsive yo-yo, you must perform a "bind return" in order to make this yoyo come back to your hand.