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Overclock YoYo - yoyofriends

Purple with Black Rings

Overclock Bi-metal YoYo, by yoyofriends

Signature yoyo of Yiyang Wang


  • Weight: 65.8  grams
  • Diameter: 55.47 mm
  • Width: 47 mm
  • Gap width: 4.52 mm
  • Material: 7068 aluminum (body) + Stainless Steel Rings
  • Bearing: Concave (Large, Size C) .250 x .500 x .187"
  • Axel: M4 10mm
  • Response: 19mm pads (Slim)
  • Return type: Unresponsive / Bind required

Story of the Overclock YoYo, as written by Yiyang Wang:

"Hi, my name is Yiyang Wang, you guys can call me Philip, the team leader of yoyofriends.
I got sponsored by yoyofriends in 2018 and started an incredible journey and partnership
to get to this point, I am extremely proud of what we accomplished so far. On that journey,
I have met with great players all over the world, having a yoyo team, which was one of my
dreams as a little kid after watching the TV series Blazing Teens in elementary school and
learned so much more about yoyo behind the scenes. One of the most fascinating things
is learning about yoyo design languages and trends, watching as yoyo designs evolve
over the years to help yoyo players land their ever evolving tricks on stage. I could have
my signature yoyo way earlier as the leader of yoyofriends but as I am no longer
competing, I want to give the signature spotlight to the competing players on our team like
Tony, Drake and Tomoki. I have also been chasing that ultimate design and shape over
the years accumulated from past yoyofriends throw so if I were to decide to have a
signature yoyo, I will be completely satisfied with the shape. The story begins in 2018, when I just got sponsored by yoyofriends, we were a small-ish
company back then, with only just Hummingbird and Magpie as our releases. Hummingbird as you guys know, is a legendary yoyo that built the foundation of our
company. In my mind I think I have a huge task in front of me to try to match it even
though I had no idea about anything yoyo design at all. My friend who lives close to me in
Dallas is also a yoyo designer, we were just hanging out and brainstorming about yoyo
ideas on our way to his house. During that car ride, I thought of 2 ideas, one of them was a
straight V shape yoyo that is 46mm wide, using the signature hummingbird's wrapped
around rings. I didn't want the yoyo cup to be just flat so I was thinking about a cut around
the outside of the inner cup. This yoyo came out to be the yoyofriends peregrine.

The second idea I had was an inner ring yoyo. I thought if the hummingbird can have a
wrapped around ring with stainless steel going both horizontal and vertical directions, why
not implement a wrapped around ring on an inner ring yoyo, with stainless steel also going
both horizontal and vertical directions. I called it L shaped rings. Due to manufacturing not being super matured back in the days, this idea has been sitting
on the shelf over the years, which is perfect for me to learn more and more about yoyos to
chase that ultimate design shape I wanted if I were to have a signature yoyo. Throughout
that time 2 yoyos stood out to me that inspired the overclocked. Vulture and Tachyon. Vulture with an all out H shape taught me about increase in power and stability, Tachyon
further enhanced on top of that with a combination of V shape for speed and H shape for
power and stability. With a basic understanding of the shape I wanted, I looked into the spec. Yoyo is ever
evolving, players are focusing more on harder and high space use zoning tricks, one great
example is our player Tony Sung. The yoyo design has to evolve to keep up the demand
for the players, so the width and catch zone of the yoyo are getting wider and wider. Here
is an example of our new Peregrine going wider as we try out more prototypes. With all these accumulation of yoyo ideas. I re-initiated the 2nd idea from that car ride
back in 2018 in 2023. The material I want to use is the classic yoyofriends 7068 + SS. The
result was special, the shape and profile came out perfect, a refined V and H shape hybrid
with striking wrapped around inner stainless steel ring. I loved the shape so much when I
got the prototype, I finally decided to use this yoyo as my first signature yoyo. However
with the prototype one done, we are not quite done yet, it is time to nitpick and fine tune to
perfect this yoyo. The first thing I notice is despite the yoyo being at a whopping 66g plus with its gigantic L
shaped SS rings, it doesn't play super heavy. When the speed is picked up the yoyo still
has the speed worthy of the yoyofriends high end bimetal tradition. I ultimately want the
yoyo just a bit lighter to help its acceleration so I decided on 65.8g. The response bump on
prototype one was also slightly snaggy and uncomfortable, noticed by both me and our
newest yoyofriends team member Yahoo. On prototype 2 we slightly enlarged and
rounded off the response bump. The prototype 2 result was even more amazing. The
yoyo is praised by the yoyofriends team, especially from Yahoo, Tony, and Kay. The prototype 2 feels even better, even some of the yoyofriends players use it for
competition, however due to the increased slack and zoning in modern competition tricks,

strings have been getting thicker and thicker. After I personally consulted with Kay, I
decided to increase the gap width to 4.52 for production, matching Tony's graviton and

I named the yoyo overclock because overclocking computer hardware has been my
hobby ever since 2014. I remember overclocking my first PC, an intel i5-4690k, Nvidia
GTX 970 and DDR3 ram. Ever since then, I have multiple top 10 scores and a couple
number ones on 3Dmark timespy and speedway, spanning 8th to 13th gen intel cpu, samsung b die ddr4 to hynix a die ddr5 and Nvidia 10 to 30 series gpu. It is my passion to
push computer hardwares to the limit just like how I assist to push yoyofriends yoyo
designs to the limit. The logo is inspired by a program I use, MSI Afterburner, special
thanks Tony Sung and the yoyofriends team for making the yoyo logo possible.
I really hope you enjoy overclock, the new inner ring flagship from yoyofriends, a
testament to yoyofriends' design evolution since I joined in 2018. I also hope this will be
the first yoyo in the lineup with many more to come!


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