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Graviton YoYo - yoyofriends

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Blue with Raw Rings

Graviton Bi-metal YoYo, by yoyofriends 

From yoyofriends: 

"Introducing the Graviton, the first ever player signature yoyo and 7068+ titanium ring from yoyofriends. The Graviton is the signature yoyo of Tony Sung. Graviton utilizes the titanium ring's unique weight distribution to glide through the air easily, while still keeping the bimetal power and stability when pushed. The wide catch zone makes landing your hardest tricks easier. Graviton is the yoyo designed by Tony that suits his style perfectly, a yoyo that can handle his mind-blowing, high-risk tricks. Tony and us hope you enjoy the Graviton and play risk!" 



  • Weight: 64.7  grams
  • Diameter: 55.35 mm
  • Width: 47 mm
  • Gap width: 4.43 mm
  • Material: 7068 aluminum (body) + Titanium Rings
  • Bearing: Concave (Large, Size C) .250 x .500 x .187"
  • Axel: M4 10mm
  • Response: 19mm pads (Slim)
  • Return type: Unresponsive / Bind required


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