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Reece Wilson Signature Model Kendama - Sweets


Reece Wilson Signature Model Kendama, by Sweets


Product description by manufacturer:

"We are proud to welcome Reece Wilson to the Sweets Mob with his first Signature Mod!

Reece has been jamming kendama for a while, and we are so excited to officially have him as part of the squad. A downhill mountain bike world champ, Reece is always fully sending it into whatever he does. We have seen him introduce kendama to countless people on his MTB journeys and through the Red Bull TV documentary Going In. He was even our European distributor for a while. If you follow the DH MTB world you are probably seeing Reece's name pop up more and more in the winners circle, and if you follow dama he is someone worth checking out asap!"


Product Features:

  • BOOST Reece Ken

    • Full Maple construction
    • Balance bevel in base cup
    • Custom engravings
      • Reece Wilson signature on spike
      • Sweets Crossken mark
    • Custom Prints
      • Representation of Benford's Law on bird stall
      • World Champion winning time in alien symbols on small bird stall
  • BOOST tama
    • Cherry Wood
    • Stop watch on string hole
    • Upper 50% inspired by the night sky, black with white star symbols
    • Multi-color tracking stripes
    • Metallic silver around bevel
    • Sticky Clear or Cushion Clear
    • Metal Spinner Bead
    • Extra string
    • Reece Mod sticker pack

    The BOOST is made to slap tricks right out of the box. Compared to older or more traditional shapes; the cups are larger, the stalls more pronounced, and there is a balance bevel in the bottom cup to help hit lunars with ease.

    BOOST tamas are also slightly larger to help improve play and match the bigger cups.

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